1978 GMC GENERAL ROLLOFF TRUCK VN:TNI928V612430 powered by diesel engine, 272hp, equipped with 8 speed transmission, power steering, rolloff body, dual wheel single axle.
Continue reading2000 PETERBILT ROLLOFF TRUCK VN:491926 powered by Cat
2000 PETERBILT ROLLOFF TRUCK VN:491926 powered by Cat 3306 diesel engine, equipped with 8LL transmission, power steering, 60,000lb Galbreath outside rail rolloff body, 11R22.5 tires, tandem axle.
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2009 MACK GU713 ROLLOFF TRUCK VN 006268 powered by Mack MP7 diesel engine, 385hp, equipped with Mack T310M transmission, a/c, power steering, Galbreath 60,000lb rolloff body, camelback suspension, tandem axle. TITLE
Continue reading2012 WESTERN STAR WS4900SF ROLLOFF TRUCK VN:5KKMAEBG6CPBW7353 powered
2012 WESTERN STAR WS4900SF ROLLOFF TRUCK VN:5KKMAEBG6CPBW7353 powered by Cummins ISX15 500V diesel engine, equipped with Road Ranger 18 speed transmission, American Roll Off ARO-75-22-1C body, 20,000lb fronts, 20,000lb pusher, 46,000lb rears, air ride suspension, 315/80R22.5 front & pusher tires, 11R24.5 tires, polished aluminum wheels, air lift third axle, triaxle. M-239,495 GRANDFATHER RIGHTS CERTIFICATE NYS
Continue reading1994 MACK RD688S ROLLOFF TRUCK VN:1M2P267C5RM021259 powered by
1994 MACK RD688S ROLLOFF TRUCK VN:1M2P267C5RM021259 powered by diesel engine, 350hp, equipped with 8 speed transmission, power steering, 75 ton hoist rolloff body, air lift third axle, triaxle.
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1999 STERLING L9513 ROLLOFF TRUCK V-B17336, powered by Cummins diesel engine, equipped with 8LL transmission, power steering, rolloff body, Hendrickson suspension, 46,000lb rears, tandem axle.
Continue reading1995 FORD L9000 ROLLOFF TRUCK VN:1FDZU90V6SVA79753 powered by
1995 FORD L9000 ROLLOFF TRUCK VN:1FDZU90V6SVA79753 powered by Cummins diesel engine, equipped with rolloff body, tandem axle, 233,046 miles.
Continue reading2007 FREIGHTLINER ROLLOFF TRUCK VN:18988
Continue reading1987 MACK DM6 ROLLOFF TRUCK VN:1M2B126C8HA014474 powered by diesel
1987 MACK DM6 ROLLOFF TRUCK VN:1M2B126C8HA014474 powered by diesel engine, equipped with power steering, rolloff body, new cable, tandem axle
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