2018 LINKBELT 210X4 LONG REACH EXCAVATOR SN:LRX1439 powered by diesel engine, equipped with Cab, air, heat, 50ft. Reach boom & stick, digging bucket, long undercarriage, 2,461 hours.
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2018 LINKBELT 210X4 LONG REACH EXCAVATOR SN:LBX210Q7NGLRX1153 powered by diesel engine, equipped with Cab, air, heat, 50ft. Reach boom & stick, digging bucket, long undercarriage.
Continue reading2010 CAT 324DL LONG REACH EXCAVATOR powered by
2010 CAT 324DL LONG REACH EXCAVATOR powered by Cat diesel engine, equipped with Cab, air, heat, performance plus, cold weather starting package, 60ft. reach boom & stick, 31in. TBG pads, 60in. Ditching bucket, long undercarriage.
Continue reading2005 CAT 330 LONG REACH EXCAVATOR SN:DKY03506 powered
2005 CAT 330 LONG REACH EXCAVATOR SN:DKY03506 powered by Cat diesel engine, equipped with Cab, air, 60ft long reach boom and stick, 34in. pads, ditching bucket.
2015 JOHN DEERE 250GSLF LONG REACH EXCAVATOR SN:EFF609759 powered by John Deere diesel engine, equipped with Cab, air, heat, 60ft. Reach boom & stick, digging bucket, long undercarriage.
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2019 KOBELCO SK260LR-10 LONG REACH EXCAVATOR SN:LL16605014 powered by diesel engine, equipped with Cab, air, heat, 60ft. Reach boom & stick, 32in pads, ditching bucket, long undercarriage, 2,721 hours.
Continue reading2021 LINKBELT 210X4 LONG REACH EXCAVATOR SN:RX1937 powered by diesel engine, equipped with Cab, a…
2021 LINKBELT 210X4 LONG REACH EXCAVATOR SN:RX1937 powered by diesel engine, equipped with Cab, air, heat, 50ft. Reach boom & stick, digging bucket, long undercarriage, 2,150 hours.
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2019 LINKBELT 250X4 LONG REACH EXCAVATOR SN:LRX1440 powered by Isuzu diesel engine, equipped with Cab, air, heat, backup camera, 60ft. Reach boom & stick, 31.5in. TBG pads, 60in. Ditching bucket, 2,918 hours.
Continue reading2019 HITACHI ZX250L LONG REACH EXCAVATOR SN:1FFDC270KKF440257 powered
2019 HITACHI ZX250L LONG REACH EXCAVATOR SN:1FFDC270KKF440257 powered by diesel engine, equipped with Cab, air, heat, 60ft. Reach boom & stick, digging bucket, long undercarriage, 1,368 hours.
HITACHI LX220LC-3 LONG REACH HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR SN:10703 powered by diesel engine, equipped with Cab, heat, long reach boom & stick, digging bucket, long undercarriage. 8118 HOURS
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